The Canadian Bitcoiners

₿lockheight: 887773

Blockheight: 811224

Howdy Bitcoiners,

Hope you can tune in this Monday as we have a LOT of clown world to go over.

The monetary system seems to be at the brink of collapse and the public debt gets to be a bigger problem each day. Servicing the debt, which is growing at an historic pace, will be difficult / impossible. Throw in the fake job numbers and we can talk about this stuff for hours

As for the CBP (or CBW since we now do webinars), the recent change to release the audio of the Bitcoin recap on Tuesdays and the clown world show on Wednesdays seems to be a hit. We plan to stick to this formula for the next while.

Upcoming this week on the CBP:

Monday’s show has the following slated for discussion:

-Bitcoin difficulty adjustment

-Lava Pool

-Instagram hates Bitcoin

-US debt increasing

-job numbers are fake

-SPR needs to be refilled

-More banks ready to collapse

-and so much more

On Wednesday, we have Jesse Berger ( joining us for an interview. Jesse is the Author of Magic Internet Money (,aps,92&sr=8-1) and has been around the Bitcoin scene for several years.

Until next time…. Take care, PV, and don’t be a cuck.

Len the Lengend

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