The Canadian Bitcoiners

₿lockheight: 887796

Blockheight: 840205


Howdy Bitcoiners,

With the halving taking place on April 19, 2024, we have entered Bitcoin’s 5th epoch. What’s in store moving forward? Nobody knows. Anyone who claims to know what will happen is full of shit, and they are likely talking about “projects” that are nearly risk free. Fuck them all.

Another group of people who can fuck off are the people who pushed for spamming the Bitcoin network, scammers who are trying to sell trash and companies that are enable this bullshit. Last time I checked, the modernization of the monetary system did not include trying to peddle a shitcoin with a catchy name. Nor did it include trying to dump a jpeg on people referred to as “exit liquidity”. This is all noise. The signal is scheduled issuance, verifiable transactions, proof-of-work, ability to join, leave and rejoin the network at any time, decentralized, etc.

Enough rambling. Do your research, buy bitcoin if you like what you are reading, learn the art of cold storage, and try to stack kyc free if possible.



What we got in store for Monday’s show:

-Another halving

-Runes is going ro ruin a bunch of shitcoiners

-Binance’s USDC move

-Braiins is lightning quick

-What’s up with mining pools

-More privacy for bitcoin nodes

-The case use for bitcoin mining

-Unemployment numbers

-Shunning Iran

-Student loans

-Chopping up Apple

-The Canadian budget

-Tax cheats

-Household debt

-and so much more



We have a single interview slated for this week. Both Tom Karadza ( and Nick Karadza ( might make the trek to CBP HQ and do a recording live with Joey. Maybe we can see if any of them are willing to hit new PRs on the big three.

Tom and Nick are the brains behind Rock Star Real Estate ( / They both understand hard assets and proponents of Bitcoin. They also run the Your Life Your Terms podcast. You can find the videos on the podcast and Rock Star Real Estate at Throw them a follow if you haven’t already done so!


For those who wish to catch us on other platforms, you can find us on:

YouTube (main channel):

YouTube (clips):

Instagram (short clips):




Looking to buy Bitcoin? Don’t forget to use our referral code to sign up with Bull Bitcoin and get $20 added to your account. Check out our video that outlines the best practices to buying KYC free bitcoin – or if you prefer to buy KYC corn, check out Joey’s video at


The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast is part of the CBP Media Network ( If you have an idea for a podcast / YouTube show, or have an existing show and you wish to grow your audience, feel free to get in touch with us as we are looking to expand on the network. We can assist with getting your show off the ground, plus expand your listenership / viewership.


Until next time…. Don’t be a cuck.


Len the Lengend

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